Unlocking the Power of Infographics: A Quick Guide


Ever wondered how those impressive infographics are crafted? These visually captivating pieces condense vast amounts of data into a digestible, memorable and engaging format. Infographics have become an indispensable tool for many, especially in the world of science communication, turning dense research into accessible visuals. 

Let's dive into this art and science of visual storytelling!

What is an Infographic?

At its core, an infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge, designed to communicate complex information quickly and clearly. Imagine condensing an entire research paper into a visually appealing, easy-to-digest graphic. That's the magic of infographics!

Why are Infographics useful?

  1. Simplification: Science, as we know, can be complex. Infographics distil that complexity into a format that's easily understood by a wider audience.
  2. Engagement: A well-designed infographic can capture attention in ways that long-form content just sometimes can't. Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster by the brain than text! And who doesn't love a good picture?
  3. Shareability: Infographics are highly shareable across social media platforms, making them an excellent tool for spreading knowledge.

The Process of Creating an Infographic:

    • Research and Data Collection: Ensure your data is accurate and current. Remember, a misleading infographic can do more harm than good.
    • Storyboarding: Before dicing straight into making your infographic, plan first! Outline the flow and design of your information. Just like a good story, your infographic should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use a pen and paper to sketch some ideas!
    • Design: Use contrasting colours for impact and ensure readability. As a rule, stick to a colour palette of 3-5 colours with only one focus colour to highlight important bits. Keep the design clean, and don't clutter. If design isn't your strength, consider collaborating with a graphic designer or friend with good eye for design!
    • Simplification: As scientists, we love details and including ALL the information. But remember, the goal is CLARITY. Trim the content to its most essential form!
    • Feedback: Before finalising, gather feedback. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can spot inconsistencies or areas of improvement.
    • Distribution: Share your infographic on LinkedIn, Twitter, research forums, and other relevant platforms. Engage with your audience and answer any queries they might have.

Useful Websites and Software for Infographic Creation

When diving into the world of infographics, it's easy to assume that you need sophisticated software or deep pockets to get started. However, the beauty of this visual medium lies in its simplicity and versatility, and there are tools for every budget and skill level:

Free Vector Images: Sites such as Freepik, Vecteezy, VectorStock and Servier Medical Art offer a plethora of free vector images that can serve as the foundation or embellishment for your infographics. You could also generate your own vector images using AI image creators like Microsoft Bing Image Creator.

Canva: A user-friendly online platform, Canva has made waves in the design world for its vast template library and intuitive interface. It's perfect for beginners looking to craft professional-looking infographics without steep learning curves.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Often overlooked, PowerPoint is not just for presentations! Its slide layout, drawing tools, and grouping functionalities make it a surprisingly effective tool for infographic design.

Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator: For those who wish to delve deeper into the intricacies of design, Photoshop offers pixel-based editing, while Illustrator excels at vector-based designs. While they come with steeper learning curves and a price tag, they offer unparalleled control and customisation.

Other Honorable Mentions: Websites such as Piktochart, Venngage, and Infogram also provide specialised tools for infographic creation, worth exploring based on your specific needs.

Infographics are a powerful tool for scientists and science communicators. They bridge the gap between complex scientific concepts and the general public, fostering a deeper appreciation for the wonders of science. So, the next time you stumble upon a fascinating piece of data or research, consider turning it into an infographic.

Happy designing!